it occurred to me some time ago that my reader might be interested to read my testimony, to see how it is that a normal every day gal had her life changed, its pretty long, i might post it in two parts, i will see how it goes, of course you could just read it in two parts dear reader.
i grew up in england, i was christened, confirmed, all the usual things and because england is still a chritian country i thought that was enough, i ama basically a good person, certainly i didn't ever see myself as a sinner - who does? but all that changed in march 1992 when i was saved by the Lord Jesus Christ, since then my walk with the Lord has been long, hard and at times very lonely as i tried so hard to continue in my own way and He graciously brought me back to the path that is His. i have three 'life' texts i suppose they are called...
Isaiah 49:16 Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.
Isaiah 55:11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
so, as a child i was sent to sunday school, because thats what everyone did in those days, this is something i am very thankful for today. i was also taught 'real' relgious education at school. i went to the local church of england sunday school and as a child i wanted to be a nun - this was the first of many spiritual inclinations in my life. at the age of 11 i went to a quaker boarding school, i was very attracted by the quiet spirituality of the meetings there and decided that perhaps i might like to be a quaker. by Gods grace i am something of a procrastinator, something which i can see has actually been a blessing in my life. it was at this boarding school that i started smoking and drinking, i also had my first taste of the occult as we used to play with a ouiji board, we did make contact with something on several occasions and i know now that common grace kept me from harm.
my next port of call was a church of england school attached to york minster, now sadly closed. the RE at that school was at least bible based in those days. in my late teens i changed schools again and became friendly with a group of muslims - and decided, of course, that islam seemed like an attractive way of life!
my own dad had died when i was a girl, i recall my mum and aunties regularly going to visit mediums, clairvoyants, spiritists, they were often given messages that were highly accurate and seemed to be based in fact. this of course all made the new age movement and the occult very attractive to me. by the time i hit my twenties i too was going to fortune tellers, the spiritist church, psychic and new age fairs, generally having an interest and fascination for all things occult. but of course none of these things satisfied me - we sing a hymn now which says 'i tried the broken cisterns Lord but ah the waters failed' (from jermeiah chapter 2). i was left feeling more and more empty and dissatisfied as i searched for something, anything to fill the emptiness within me. i was also very influenced by feminist ideology, intending to be a woman who had it all - career, husband, children and plenty of money. these days i rejoice in my God given role of stay-at-home mum wiht my husband as the head of our home!
whilst doing my a-levels and later at college in leeds i continued to drink and go to nightclubs, coming from a family of big drinkers alcohol attracted me greatly but i am glad to say it never really got hold of me.
in 9185 i met my lovely husband, a turkish muslim. i was still very attracted to islam - the strength of the family unit, the way muslim women are protected and cherished, the lovely feminine modest clothing, all of those things, above all of course i wanted, and still do want, religious family unity (i long to be able to say with joshua - but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. (chapter 24). so, for the sake of that unity i seriously considered converting to islam. praise God that i didn't take that final step, thanks to what i had learnt as a child, somehow through all my wanderings in false religion and teachings i had always believed in Jesus even though i didn't KNOW Him, but i found i could not deny Him. don't get me wrong, i didn't belive then in the exclusivity of Christ - i was a many paths to god believer, believing that as long as i was a good person i would be alright, after all wasn't i born in a 'christian' country? for a long time i took great comfort from the fact that my mother in law prayed for us in the mosque in turkiye and my own mum prayed for us in the church here. my husband didn't pressure me to convert and in fact we both agreed that we would bring our children up to know about both religions and that we would let them choose which they would follow - how naive that was and how blessed i am that it didn't massively backfire on me.
when i was pregnant with menekse, as i saw her heartbeat on the ultrasound screen i began to realise there was more to this God thing than i thought. when she was several months old i began to go to an anglican church next door to our home, we were living 35 miles away then and were trying to move house. but the Lord God had other plans for us and ordered our circumstances so that we had to move back here, this was, in hindsight, a remarkable work of grace in the lives of two unbelievers. however at the time i felt bitter and angry - my attitude was 'well, if thats what going to church gets me i won't bother anymore'.
almost 12 months later, back in our home town, unexpectedly pregnant with our second child, really struggling financially, i went to the mother and toddler group at the local anglican church. i met a lovely lady there called sharon, she asked me about what i believed and invited me to church, she said i could sit with her and her family. i had been brought up to believe that church was the House of God and so i should be smartly dressed, quiet and respectful when i went there. so, it was quite a shock to my system when i arrived at this casual anglican church where everyone seemed to be dressed in beach clothes, because i had had so little biblical teaching in my life it was all too easy for me to be seduced by the teachings of this charismatic church. the vicar has a degree in greek and i had been properly brought up to respect vicars, doctors, policemen and teachers, and so i thought this vicar must be right in what he taught simply because he is a man of the cloth - i am glad to report i know better now and am not afraid to say so.
when i first started going to this church it was charismatic in a low-key kind of way which did make me uncomfortable for a while - there was some clapping, and raising of hands, contemporary christian music, tongues, words of prophecy from the congregation, picutres and audible words from God when praying, deliverance ministry for people who had demons of all kinds. all very new age and actually occultic and very very appealing to someone like me. the first time i went to see the vicar privately i remember thinking that he behaved like a clairvoyant i had visited recently - looking into the distance and 'listening' for messages from God. in retrospect i can see how my new age inclinations made me an easy target for the erroneous teachings of this particular church. we were never encouraged to read or study the bible for ourselves and the sermons were basic at best - bible studys tended to be discussion groups rather than a proper in-depth study.
sharon, the lady i had met at mums and toddlers, invited me to her home to do a course introducing christianity - this was actually the pre-cursor to the now world famous alpha course. it was at one of these meetings that i came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as my own and personal Saviour. at the time, due to lack of teaching, i didn't really know what this meant, i didn't really understand about my sinful nature or my need of a Saviour, sometimes, later, i doubted that i had been saved, but as i look back i can see that the Lord quickly began a work of sanctification in my heart. for example, soon after i was saved the Lord brought me under deep conviction about then use of blasphemy in the TV programmes i watched - i was also convicted, throught the reading of Gods word, about the way i spoke. but this happened independently of what was happening at church. i realise now that i was begining to grow in the Lord, but at that time i didn't understand what an incredible thing had happened to me. i didn't understand the significance of Calvary or of the blood. i spent the rest of my time in this church trying my best to 'get' tongues, pictures in my head when i prayed, to hear Gods voice audibly give me words of knowledge or prophesy, i desperately wanted to fit into this church community, i had ministry/counselling to deal with issues i know now were dealt with at the Cross, i had soul ties broken - something i now know is not necessary.
and then toronto hit....
after the 'toronto blessing' hit the charismatic anglican church i was
attending the stuff happening there got very much worse. people were
rolling around the floor laughing and howling like dogs, falling over at
the touch of another person, and laying in an almost comatose condition
or laughing hysterically for hours at a time. there was i in the middle
of it all, desperately wanting to be part of it, desperate to be
manifesting all these things like everyone else, believing the lies that
were being told, the twisted scripture texts (to this day i have found
nothing in the bible to convince me that this kind of thing is right),
again i praise God for His restraining hand on me, i was hardly touched
by the things that were happening. incidents that had previously been
deemed as being due to demonic influences or bad soul ties were suddenly
deemed to be as a result of the 'toronto blessing'. the music at this
time also changed from being relatively laid back contemporary christian
music to being loud, repetitive and hypnotic. the leadership (the vicar
et al) told the congregation that the 'toronto blessing' was a move of
the Holy Spririt, that it was a time of refreshing from the Lord for His
people. thankfully the Lord didn't answer my prayers for 'more Lord' - a
common catchphrase amongst charismatics trying to bring down the
spirit. but rather the Lord God answered simons prayer - remember
sharon, the lady who led me to the Lord, simon is her husband, he asked
God to show us HIS way, HIS truth and God answered that prayer by
showing me the times of refreshing scripture in context....
3:19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be
blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence
of the Lord;
this brought me up short, for there was no
repentance, no conversions during this movement, there wasn't even any
mention of sin. it was purely a fleshly experience designed to make
people feel good - on an emotional and supposedly spiritual high, and
also to silence the preaching of the Word - because how could a minister
preach the Word whilst he was rolling round the floor howling like a
dog? this behaviour, these manifestations, even continued during
communion - laughing, jerking, twitching, rolling around whilst
communion (the Lords table) was given to all indiscriminately with no
warning or teaching regarding its true meaning. a careful study of the
Word of God will soon show how seriously God Himself views this.
followed the Lords leading and left this anglican church immediately.
it was one of the hardest things i have ever done in my life - my whole
life was there, well, my social life at any rate. i realised some time
ago that as i endeavour to live for the Lord instead of for myself then i
am more at peace than i have ever been in my whole life. i truly have
that peace that passeth understanding, that deep contentment that comes
only from walking with the Lord. i am so much happier and more fulfilled
as a christian resting and trusting in Him even in the midst of great
trials - being a christian is by no means a bed of roses. i actually
have NO social life these days, at the anglican church i was busy every
day with social activities connected with the church, but i did not know
my heavenly
Father as i know Him now. i also now understand
better the role of the Holy Spirit - it is not to make me feel better or
good in a fleshly way but rather to teach me, to comfort me, to point
me to the Lord Jesus and to help to witness and pray for others.
i left so also did sharon and simon with their two children and another
single girl we were friendly with. we spent much time in prayer, study
and research. other people had also left in dribs and drabs, some are
sadly still not going anywhere having been put off christianity for
ever, some, like us, wandered around in the 'wilderness' for a while.
all the churches in our town are part of the ecumenical/churches
together movement, and almost all of them had sent people to the
anglican church to try and 'catch' toronto. out of desperation and for
the sake of our children i went to the Gospel Hall, it wasn't too bad,
but one week a charismatic pro-toronto preacher came and that was that.
so i left and started going to the methodists.
in the midst of my studying - and there was ALOT believe me. i was starting to see something...
*i needed a church that wasn't charismatic
*i needed a church which relied on the bible alone
*i needed a church that was separate from the ecumenical movement and from the world council of churches
*i needed a church that wasn't doing alpha - starting to take off in a big way.
*i needed a church that didn't have women in leadership positions
needed a church that was AV - check out John 5 verse 6 in an AV and an
NIV and then tell me that the modern versions don't undermine the main
doctrines of biblical christianity. when i saw the subtle but important
difference between the two versions in this text i binned everything
except my AV.
i didn't know it then but the Lord was turning me into a bible believing christian, a reformed believer.